Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Other Side...

Meredith and her twin were almost exactly alike
except she went to the fancy private school across town.
the divorce
Meredith stayed with her Mom
Macy with her dad.
tough times, they didn't want to be split apart
but they made this sacrifice, not for them, but for their parents
even praying for God to reconcile them back to Him.

but it was tough, living in low-income apartments,
while Macy played with her friends on the upper-east side
going on shopping trips
and frequent school trips to the space museum.

they both wanted to go to Penn  State
but Meredith was probably thinking now
she would just get into community college.

her Mom needed her,
she wasn't about to leave her,
no matter how much she insisted.
Love took sacrifice
their were little girls here in the projects she could mentor

she just had to take a deep breath
and rest in the sovereign hand of God...
that He was a Good Good Good Father
worthy to be trusted,
even if she was scared,
and feeling
the weight
of her sacrifice.

You stand alone
You are so beautiful
May we Fully trust and depend on You
with all our souls
thank you for birthing out this blog
and letting me watch that documentary.
We leave our life completely in your hands, Abba.
We need you forever

In Jesus's Holy Name

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on 

your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5

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