Tuesday, August 21, 2018

SEEN & LOVED [Creative Story]

Taylor's Diary- Tuesday- 8:12 pm

Dear Diary,

I do not want to go back to school,
i don't fit in there.
I tried to talk to mom about home school--they even have free online teachers--she wouldn't even have to teach me! but she's not budging.

no boy likes me, I know I won't have a date to homecoming--i feel so invisible and purposeless.
I'm not even pretty like all the popular girls,
what's the point of trying...

Wednesday| 7:30 pm
There's a Bible club at school,
they were handing out flyers--
people laugh at them and call them lame, but they seem pretty cool.
i think it may be social suicide to be able to do that at lunch
but i think it's cool they don't care.

they all seemed very friendly
Kat, was her name,
she gave me a flyer
it said "you are seen and loved"
hmmm, I never heard that before
but it feels good.

i think ima try Bible club
Kat is the only one who even tried to talk to me today.
I think this Bible club idea might not be so bad,
i might actually find friends...
i might actually belong..


"How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!" Pslams 139:17 

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