Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Sacrifice of Praise [Poem]

Teach me to praise you always
no matter how deep my tears are,
even if I am drowning in them,
teach me how to lift up my hands
& give you all the praise.

Teach me how to fully love you,
teach me how to press into you,
with every fiber of my being.
Teach me how to love you fully

Teach me how to offer you a sacrifice of praise
Teach me how to walk with you, even when I'm afraid
Teach me how to lean to you, with all my might
Teach me how to give you the sacrifice of praise that you always deserve.

I wanna love you God,
no matter the cost.
I wanna lift my hands up to you Abba
and sing your praises always.
You are my joy
and I will love you forever

Teach me, O God. Teach Me.

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