Tuesday, March 24, 2020

God's Got You

Never worry about that, Never worry about this
God has got you
you're in the palm of his hands, He is taking care of you because you are HIS
Never will He ever leave you and never will he ever forsake you--His love for you is too great.

   So right now, wherever you are reading this, take a deep breath and dare to trust God.

Dare to know that He's got your back and He will never ever leave or forsake you. The king of the universe is your Daddy, your Father and everything that you need. So, if you fear anything just know that God has your back. Just take out a piece of paper, and write down all your fears and worries right now. Then say, "Lord, show me your truth in this situation." God's truth will come pouring into your mind and heart...I'm telling you. I did this last night and even as the tears poured I felt such great of a release. Sometimes we have so many skeletons in our closet, fears and anxieties that we are afraid to face, but God is not afraid of any bones! He makes the dry bones live!!

Nothing is too hard for our God. You can trust him with your whole heart today. I promise you it will be worth it. He will never fail you and His track record is perfect. The God of the universe is in love with you.

****Praise & Worship***

God you are glorious. You are so perfect. You are my joy delight. You are King over every virus, you are king over every pandemic. You are the faithful king and we will vow to serve you for all of our days. We are nothing without you, just dirt and bones. But you are everything to us. You are everything we need. We love you. Shower us with your love. Fill us with your precious light. You are faithful and you are pure and we absolutely adore you.

Holy King, we don't deserve you
Holy King, I want to come closer
Majesty Majesty, you reign supreme
Lead me where you want me, where you go I'll follow fully
I love you Holy King I Love you
Take all of me, Take my heart my mind and soul
Lead me holy King just lead me
You have my mind, my heart, my feet
they are yours, my body is yours completely
Have your way King, Just have your way
Take all of me, Lead me where you want me
Have all of me, I'll go where you want
Take all of me, I've never seen someone so perfect
Take all of me, you're mine forever King
So beautiful, So perfect and so lovely
That's who you are...My King, I love you so much
So beautiful so perfect and so lovely
My King that is who you are

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